Identifying FashionStar Fillies
Gold Star

The gold star is the main identification feature of all the fillies. Every filly with the exception of the three Royal Beauties were manufactured with a gold star on their mane-side cheek. Cliff, however, has the gold star on his display-side shoulder.
Dates and Manufacturing Marks
All of the fillies are dated 1987, 1988, or 1989.
Lippizan Step, Palomino Walk, Thoroughbred Trot, and Arabian Canter are dated 1987 on the inside of their back leg. Their manufacture marks are "KPT" for Kenner Parker Toys, and "Made in China"
Teen Trot, Teen Walk, and Teen Step are dated 1988 on the inside of their back leg. Their manufacture marks are "Kenner" and "China"
Tennessee Rack, Peruvian Trot, and Stallion are dated 1989 on the inside of their front leg. Their manufacture marks are "Kenner" and "Made in China"
The dates are set back by one year from their actual release in stores due to the time it takes to design, tool, and complete development of the final product. It is interesting that the last three models dated 1989 were also released that same year.
Special Offers
Free Fashion Included
For the first six FashionStar Fillies, in specially marked packages came a monogrammed dress. The marking included a photo of the filly wearing the dress. I believe that these were only available in the first few shipments of the product to kickstart the launch. They were not available internationally.
Free Glitter Gel
In any package where this sticker was placed, a free tube of dark purple glitter gel was included. It was usually held in a loop cut from the back card and visible just behind the filly. This free item was fairly common in year 1990 releases.