"The mysterious Spanish Enchantress" - 1989 Package insert, pg.4
Tamara is blue with dark blue points. Her mane is tightly curled in dark purple, dark pink, and bright pink sections. Her tail is dark purple with a bright pink highlight. She has a dark blue lace design featuring tear drops and flowers.
Tamara came in two poses, Peruvian Trot(new in 1989), and Palomino Walk.
Purple and Silver Mesh Hair Pick with Jewel
Two Silver and Pink Garters
Purple Jewel Comb
The bright pink sections of hair are prone to fading.
As the Spanish Enchantress, I made the assumption that Tamara's breed is of Spanish or Latin American origin and taking clues from the new pose, her breed appears to be a Peruvian Paso. As such I have named this pose the Peruvian Trot.
Data sheet
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